
Dunst, Saldana, Stewart i Davis na gali Costume Institute w Nowym Jorku

3 maja odbyła się Costume Institute Gala w nowojorskim Metropolitan Museum Of Art. Na imprezie, z której zyski przeznaczone są na cele charytatywne, co roku pojawia się cała plejada gwiazd. Tym razem w gronie gości obecne były m.in.: Kristen Dunst, Zoe Saldana, Kristin Davis i Kristen Stewart.

Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art
Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristin Davis - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kirsten Dunst - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Zoe Saldana - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art Kristen Stewart - Costume Institute Gala w Metropolitan Museum of Art

2010-05-06 - A. Sumarowska


Komentarze do:
Dunst, Saldana, Stewart i Davis na gali Costume Institute w Nowym Jorku

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